Friday, October 18, 2019

Check the element exists inside the Array in Mongo DB


The below mentioned query is used to check whether the specific element is exists in an array.


db.getCollection('ProcessFlows').find({"Processes" : {$size: 1 ,$elemMatch: { "_t": {$exists: true}}}}) 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Change author name / email of a commit

Step 1: git commit --amend --author="Author Name <>"

Step 2: Press Escape key

Step 3: Type :x! and press Enter key

Step 4: git push origin –f (ticket number)

How to change last commit message in git lab

Step 1: git commit –amend

Step 2: Press Shift + i

Step 3: Edit your message

Step 4: Press Escape key

Step 5: Type :x! and press Enter key

Step 6: git push origin –f (ticket number)